Time to follow up with a hiring manager? Here's how to do it!

June 24, 2024
Authored by
Harriet Hrynkewycz

Picture this: It’s Friday and you’ve applied for your dream role, and you’re excited to put yourself forward for it. Over the weekend, doubt could start to sink in and you find yourself waiting at the start of the week to hear anything. You decide you want to reach out to the hiring manager to ask more about your application and so you sit down to start writing the email but you’re unsure how to start. Approaching the hiring manager can be a daunting prospect as you play over possible situations in your mind. Harriet Hrynkewycz, Principal Consultant here at Find has helped compile some tips and tricks to help you reach out in a professional manner.

Make sure your message has purpose

When reaching out for information about your application process, make sure that the purpose and intent of your email is clear and concise. Not only does this show your communication skills, but it also means the recruitment consultant or hiring manager can quickly understand what you’re after and can often get back to you quicker.

Make sure you’ve done your research

Similar to the above, make sure you’re not reaching out with a question that could be answered by a quick Google search. Most businesses display their ethos, expertise and brand on their website, and it’s often easy to find. Think of the website as a digital storefront. Browse and take a look around to see if you can find what you need, and otherwise reach out for support.

Consider HOW you’ll reach out to them

The method of contact will depend on the person but take a moment to determine how you should reach out to the hiring manager. Take a moment to also factor in which generation they’re part of as this can help you reach them on the channels they’re frequenting at work also.

  • Phone: Whilst most HR people are likely to be reachable via phone, they may also be more strapped for time. Make sure you’ve prepared what you want to say ahead of time, as chatting over the phone could make all the difference.
  • Email: Email will likely be the preferred method of contact for most hiring managers. It gives them a chance to properly review your request, to seek additional information and to get back to you. Allow for 2-3 working days for them to get back to you, and try calling if you don’t hear back thereafter.

Address the email appropriately

If you know the name of the consultant or hiring manager, then use that at the start of your email. Otherwise, it’s best to approach it with a ‘to whom it may concern’. If you’re too vague then it can seem disingenuous or unprofessional. Equally, ensure you’re introducing yourself at the start of the email, and signing off with your name at the end also. This makes sure that they know who to address and can reference your CV/application if necessary.

Be prepared for their response

When following up on a job application, it’s important to be prepared for a quick response or a question from the employer. If they come back requesting additional information, or asking for an updated document, do your best to get it back to them same day so the process can continue smoothly. If there will be a delay, communicate this with them so they’re aware of what’s happening and not left in limbo.

Additional Tips & Tricks

  • Always be polite and professional. Keep in mind that job applications are receiving dozens, if not hundreds of applications at the moment, and so a delay in response could simply be due to the volume of documents a consultant is looking through. Keep an approachable tone and remember this is a chance to showcase your communication skills.
  • Personalise your messages. When emailing, or calling, ensure you address the message to the right person. If you do not know the person then a “To the Hiring Manager” or similar is a good route to go, to still show clear intent of your message. This helps maintain a personal connection, even in the absence of identifying details.
  • Keep it concise. If there’s already a delay getting back to you, then a lengthy email requiring an equally lengthy response will not be seen favourably. Convey your message as quickly as possible whilst being clear about your reason for reaching out.
  • Ask about the timeline. A quick note simply asking when you can expect to hear back, good, or bad, is an effective way to show you’re interested, whilst still gaining information about the process. Most job searches should be resolved within a month (maximum) but often move a lot quicker than this, depending on seniority level.
  • Stay positive and continue your job search while waiting. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Continue searching through available jobs whilst you wait.
Sample Email Template

Dear <Name/Hiring Manager>,

I hope your day is going well.

I wanted to follow up on my application for <ROLE> that was listed on <WEBSITE>.

I am very excited to learn more about the role and to contribute my skills and experience towards <COMPANY>. Please let me know if there is anything further I can provide to support my application, or to clarify any details.

Thank you for considering my application,

Kind regards,


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