From Holiday Mode to Work Mode: A Smooth Transition

December 22, 2023
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Coming back to work from the Christmas and New Year break can be a tough transition for many of us. The Christmas and New Year parties, seeing family and friends, and having entire days to yourself creates a stark contrast to the structured routine of the workplace. As the holiday decorations come down and the remnants of celebrations are packed away, the return to the office can feel like a daunting reality check. The transition from the carefree days of the holiday's to the demands of the professional world may seem challenging at first, but it's an inevitable part of the post-holiday experience. That's why we've put together a few tips on how to get back into the swing of things in a smooth a transition as possible without feeling like your dragging your feet into the office.

As we slowly start coming back to work in the first few weeks of January, and the festive decorations are stored away and the last remnants of holiday cheer begin to fade, it's time to face the reality of transitioning back into the work routine. Returning to work after the Christmas holidays can be a challenge, and the shift from relaxation to responsibility can be an abrupt change. However, with a thoughtful approach and a few strategic steps you can make the transition smoother and set the tone for a productive start to the New Year.

Plan your next holiday

Coming back from holiday is usually not a great feeling and looking into the future with nothing to look forward to can add to the post vacation blues. This is why you should proactively plan another weekend get away or day out in the weeks following your return to business as usual. This will inject a dose of excitement into your days and provide a sense of anticipation. Anticipating positive events is associated with a sense of well-being and mental health benefits, and the expectation of good outcomes in the future releases dopamine making you forget the post-holiday blues. Something as small as researching destinations and plotting out details can be enough to remedy the after-holiday slump and bring you a renewed sense of purpose and adventure.

9:00am day one. Time to plan

For the best results and most seamless transition back to work after the break, the key is to plan early. Take a bit of on your first day back in the office and review your calendar, any upcoming deadlines, and make sure you’re aware of any pending tasks you’ll run into. Do some research into what your most productive hours of the day are, and make sure you’re using this time to work through the hardest task of your day. This keeps you mentally prepared for what lies ahead, a proactive approach reduces the shock of diving back into a busy work schedule.

Set Realistic Goals

Once you have an idea of what work will need to be done when you’re back, establish some clear and realistic goals for the first few days back at work. While you should prioritise tasks based on urgency and importance, tackling smaller more manageable things initially can help ease you back into the work mindset without overwhelming you. If you have any large projects waiting for your return, break them down into smaller, more manageable steps to make then more achievable, and make your life easier.

Start Early

For many people, Christmas and New Years are the best times of the year, and after coming back from a long holiday we’re sometimes (most of the time)tempted to hit the snooze button once or twice more, just to stay in bed a little longer. In order to have the most productive day possible, don’t give into the temptation of the snooze button! Try to start as early as you can. Giving into the snooze button can throw your whole day off. Try starting earlier than you normally would on any given workday, like 5am or 6am. This will shock your body out of the holiday sleep in schedule and rewire you back into the work routine. For this to work you’re also going to want to go to bed earlier the night before, so you don’t feel worse than you otherwise would. Click here to learn about the importance of a consistent sleep routine – even into the holidays.

Start with a half day

If possible, starting with a half day can help ease the transition back into the full swing of work. A half day serves as a gentle reintroduction work so you can acclimate gradually. This is a good time to catch up on emails, organise your workspace, and prioritise upcoming tasks. This approach prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and gives you the chance to reconnect with colleagues and catch up on things rather than diving straight into a busy work schedule.

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