8 Easy Ways to Bring the Festive Cheer to Your Office This Year.

November 23, 2023
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As the holiday season draws near, there’s no better time to start sprinkling some cheer into your office and infuse your workplace with the joy of the festive season. If you’re wondering how to make your workplace feel like a christmas wonderland, then look no further! We’ve compiled 8 easy ways to transform your workplace into a festive space that captures the essence of the holidays. Say goodbye to the usual office monotony and let's usher in some cheer.

As the holiday season draws near, there’s no better time to start sprinkling some cheer into your office and infuse your workplace with the warmth and joy of the festive season. If you’re wondering how to celebrate the festivities at work, then look no further! We’ve compiled 8 easy ways to transform your workplace into a festive space that captures the essence of the holidays.

Deck the halls.

Decorating the office is a simple and easy way to usher the Christmas spirit into your workplace. Whether you want to go all out or keep it simple, it’s a great way to boost everyone’s mood, get people chatting and laughing, and just make the whole place feel a bit more like home during the holiday season. Imagine a bustling office transformed into a festive wonderland[BS1], it’s not merely about aesthetics, it is about creating an environment that nurtures productivity, creativity, and well-being. A well-decorated office is not just a place to work; it is a place to thrive.

Kick start the festive vibes by decorating your desks, putting up a Christmas tree, or hang a wreath on the front door. These personal touches will brighten up your workplace and infuse the entire office with a sense of celebration.

Organise Secret Santa.

Hosting a secret Santa has become a longstanding tradition for many organisations looking to spread festive cheer and foster a sense of togetherness among their employees. This widespread Christmas tradition is a fun and light-hearted way to bring joy, excitement, and camaraderie to the workplace.
Secret Santa’s spark anticipation and excitement into what would otherwise be a regular workday, injecting a touch of mystery and intrigue into the holiday season before you close down the office for the year.

The true magic of Secret Santa lies not just in the gifts themselves, but in the spirit of giving and the sense of community it cultivates with your team. There are many helpful websites online that help you organise your secret Santa and randomly assign people to each other, click here for one we like to use.

Play some holiday tunes.

While you may be getting tired of the classic Mariah Carey ‘All I Want for Christmas’, the sound of Christmas music is a sure-fire way to get people in the festive mood. Make a shared playlist featuring everyone's favourite holiday tunes, whether you’re a Michael Buble Christmas fan, or prefer more of the classic artists like Elvis or Frank Sinatra, playing Christmas music in the office can have a positive impact on the workplace environment.

Imagine stepping into your office, greeted by the cheerful strains of "Jingle Bells" or the heart warming harmonies of "White Christmas." Instantly, a sense of joy and warmth washes over you, dispelling the stresses of the workday.

Encourage holiday-themed attire.

Embracing the spirit of the festive season and encouraging your team to dress up at work for Christmas can be a delightful way to get everyone into the spirit of Christmas and bring a touch of cheerfulness to the workplace. By inviting employees to embrace their creativity and showcase their holiday spirit, you can transform your office into a merry hub of festive energy.
The simple act of donning a Santa hat or a reindeer-patterned sweater can instantly lift spirits and create a sense of shared excitement. Or you could even host an ugly sweater contest encouraging your team to come to work in the most outrageous, over-the-top sweaters they can imagine.

Donate to a local charity/Give Back as a Team.

As the holiday season approaches, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work and gift-giving. But amidst the cheerful decorations and festive gatherings, it's important to remember the true spirit of Christmas: compassion, kindness, and generosity.

Spread the Christmas cheer beyond the walls of your office by embracing the true spirit of Christmas and giving to those in need. Donating toys, canned goods, or other items to local organisations in need invites the spirit of giving and will foster a sense of community making a positive impact on those less fortunate.

Send handwritten holiday greetings.

In this digital age of communication, where emails, texts, and social media rule the day, a simple act like preparing handwritten holiday greetings for your work mates is a traditional gesture that remains as impactful as ever. The world has become saturated in digital messages, which makes a handwritten note stand out as a thoughtful gesture for personal connection, a tangible expression of your sentiment, taking time and effort that goes beyond tapping a keyboard.

It's the level of personalisation that makes this act so powerful, demonstrating that you’ve taken the time to think about each individual teammate. In a fast-paced work environment where connection can feel fleeting, this serves as a reminder of the importance of human connection at work.

If you’re really struggling, have AI write the message for you, and then transcribe it to a card!

Host a Christmas party.

As the year draws closer to the end, the anticipation of festive gatherings, twinkling lights, and the warmth of shared moments brings joy to this special time of year. Hosting a Christmas party stands out as a special tradition and a chance to celebrate the joy of the season and the spirit of Christmas.

These moments spent enjoying the holiday season with those you spend your whole year working with create lasting and cherished memories, and the feelings of warmth and joy will stick around long after the festivities have ended.

Host a holiday potluck/shared lunch.

As the holiday season approaches, many workplaces seek ways to spread festive cheer and foster camaraderie among colleagues. One effective approach is to host an office potluck. Hosting a potluck/shared lunch provides a relaxed and informal setting for your team to interact beyond their usual work routines. As you all gather around the table filled with homemade dishes, it’s a perfect opportunity to bridge gaps and create a shared sense of connection and the Christmas spirit. It also serves a platform for people to show off their cooking skills to someone else other than their family!

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