Jul 2023

Why are candidates moving to Australia?

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Simon Rooney

Gidday ‘Stralia!
There’s a new ‘trend’ in town, and we are hoping it’s just the latest trend to come and go - like bell bottom jeans! Our upcoming, talented, newly qualified, bright and ambitious Gen-Z talent (not exclusive) have perhaps too much of a dollop of the last two attributes being bright and ambitious. They’re setting their eyes abroad and are ditching the (sometimes) golden shores of New Zealand, (and let’s not forget the eternal construction site called Auckland’s CBD) for Sydney, Melbourne, the Gold Coast or ANYWHERE in Australia. Why? There’s nothing new here. Australia offers better pay, better Super, mostly cheaper housing, certainly cheaper interest rates, mostly cheaper food, cheaper petrol and cheaper electrical goods to name but a few things. (beer and wine seems higher in cost but most of this demographic would sooner grab a protein shake than a Schooner).

Here’s what I’ve seen first-hand.
A trip at the weekend to Sydney revealed to me an incredibly vibrant and exciting city with people walking around. During the day they had shopping bags in hand, and by night these young professionals were off to the most amazing restaurants after spending the afternoon in cool café’s or beautiful roof top bars. You can literally feel the electricity in the air, so why wouldn’t you not move here? Compare that to closer to home - have you been up to Aotea Square recently? The further away from a small strip of restaurants and bars hugging Auckland’s CBD coast, the lower dialled down the electricity in the air is to just a trickle that may power an overpriced electrical car overnight but far from a fast charge!

How do they know?
Tik-Tok is uber loaded with ads and posts comparing the cost of living, the earning capacity differential – ask anyone young enough to be on the platform and they’ll agree.

What does it mean for you?
Watch, protect, develop and try to anchor in those that have the post qualification experience of 2-8 years. What if you can’t? I’m in that boat. From a team of 8, 3 have left in the past 12 months to go overseas. We can only wish them all the best, with a promise that we’ll have a welcoming party at the airport (if/when they return) to take them back to the Find Megabase.

What happens if they leave?
Several of our beloved clients are reaching out asking to backfill a role as one of their finest in their team has resigned, a resignation letter in one hand and a one way ticket in the other. So reach out! Don’t call my wife who’s in the photos though, she works in insurance, call me! I’d be delighted to talk and see how we can help.

Further reading can be found below, backed by stats.
The brain drain to Australia
People who wish they’d moved sooner

Looking for more insights?

Download our latest State of the Market at the link below!

State of the Market Q1 2024

Click to download
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