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Are you feeling anxious about the job search process?

Do you struggle to effectively showcase your accomplishments, strengths, and impact in your current CV?

At StellarCVs, their mission is to provide you with the knowledge and resources to navigate your career path with confidence and purpose.

Their services include:

  • A robust discovery process - they delve into your career plans helping you to identify the right opportunities and ensure you are on the right track.
  • A tailored, evidence-based CV - carefully crafted to highlight your relevant achievements, the impact you've made, and your all-important personal value proposition.
  • Access to their exclusive content framework that captures the essential information recruiters look for in CVs.
  • A proven cover letter writing strategy.
  • Interview preparation and coaching.
  • An optimised LinkedIn profile.
  • Connections to Senior Recruiters (like us) across Aotearoa.

Land your dream job faster. Book your FREE CV appraisal with StellarCVs today.