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Experienced Advice

The Great Resignation Approaches!

The Great Resignation is swiftly approaching New Zealand, but thankfully there are ways you can be prepared for when it hits our shores.

Interviewing the Interviewer

Our consultants are industry defining, and they’re phenomenal at what they do. Everyday they’re busy placing new candidates into the perfect roles...

The Shortage of Legal Candidates: Has it been fixed?

When it comes to legal recruitment, Chris Martin has seen his fair share of ups and downs! We caught up with him to chat through his thoughts about...

Why you should be taking Annual Leave

I love a long weekend (emphasised by italic, bold, underline – obviously) and there’s a good reason why. Long weekends help us to take a guilt-free...

Navigating & Negotiating Notice Periods

So it seems you’ve found a great new role, but suddenly the employer wants you to start sooner than your notice period? Or, what if you just can’t...